H09 Agamenmnon (Normal Color)

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Preço de venda$58.99 Preço normal$69.00
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Expected Delivery 🕙 • Shipping to United States ▪  • Delivery between Mar 28 - Apr 11 • ETA base on - Standard International Shipping
Mar 13
≤ Mar 17
Mar 28 - Apr 11

Descrição do item

  • World class famous G1 leader Agamenmnon joins Newage mini pocket lineup today. Detail painting and readily to be converted into iconical Walther P-38 handgun and robot.

Product Features

  • Size : Stands around 11cm tall
  • Material : ABS, POM


  • Package Condition : New with box unopened
  • Sourcing Country : China
  • Ships in 3~5 working days after cleared payment

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