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Mar 04
≤ Mar 07
Mar 19 - Apr 02
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Volantex (a RC toy specialist brand) is happy to share this F4U Corsair remote control plane to all plane lovers. Extremely light body makes take-off so easy and ability to perform numerous stunt actions. Another feature points to propeller shock protection mechanism which propeller detaches from main body that greatly reduces collision damage. Simply get this amazing RC toy and enjoy the fun of flying!
Product Features
Model No. : 761-8
Shock proof level : ★★★☆☆
Control difficulty : ★★★★☆
Stunt level : ★★★★☆
Motor : 10mm coreless motor
Body material : EPP shock proof foam
Plane size : 400 x 325 x 97mm
Charging time : USB 60mins
Play time : 20-40mins
Frequency : 2.4Ghz + 4 channels
Suitable for : Intermediate Player
Note : Make sure to fly under wide open area without strong wind
Package Condition : New
Sourcing Country : China
Ships in 3~5 working days after cleared payment
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